bicycle travelling
preparing for 3onTour!
Welcome to pedalglobal

20. March 2019

"Jedn Schmarotzer, der sich jetzt beschwern kummt, schick i jetz mit der Zeitmaschin' in die DDR zruck.
Am Ende des Tunnels wartet ein Lichtblick, Mahlzeit, Fressn, EinEuroVierzig."


(Eins Vierzig, Kreiml&Samurai, 2023)

Since mid of March 2019 the 3 of us are back in Vienna/Austria. Our bicycle tour is finished after cycling 10.000 km through 12 countries. As well as our great month in a remote cottage at the polar circle in Finland.

Everything about this year see here: 3 on Tour

Norway Norway
Mungo in far far northern Europe (Finnmark, Norway, August 2018)
Mungo in far far northern Europe (Finnmark, Norway, August 2018)

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