countdown is running...

15. April 2002
countdown is running...
0 km, frankfurt am main / germany
on and on, plannings are going more and more 'serious' every day. i just quit my job and my apartment, begin to organize the move back to vienna, where i want to start the worldtour. i am close buying a new bicycle and many other stuff. and i am - as you see - trying to put up this site on the net. now it s possible for me to write and update reports, news and other things while i am on tour - i just need an internet-connection and a simple web-browser.the start will be on saturday 3rd of august from vienna\/austria - together with bine wenzel from amberg (germany). she has her own platform for making her reports, experiences, photos and infos public
comments about the site are welcome!
have a good time and visit the site sometimes.
uli nullnegativ