bicycle travelling
preparing for 3onTour!
Pamir 2008

15. September 2008

Pamir 2008

Samarkand - Dushanbe - Khorog - Sary Tash - Kashgar

In August and September 2008 Bine and me cycled through the stunning and beautiful Pamir in Tadjikistan. This was current our big Back On Track Tour. No doubt, this had been one of our highlight of this trip. Approaching from the east from Bukhara, we reached Samarkand. After a few kilometer we arrived at the lonesome border of Tadjikistan. This was the starting point of endless up&downs. On gravelroad but stunning mountain sceneries we managed to get to Dushanbe - the capital of Tadjikistan. Afterwards the road did not improve, and with a lot of up and downs per day we cycled along the border to Afghanistan! From Khorog the real Pamir Highway starts which lead us up into the sky. Great weather, great mountains, passes up to 4.7000 meters! Cycling over the XXX Pass we finally reached Kirgistan, and an awful gravel road lead the to modern China - to Kashgar.
Tajikistan Tajikistan
Tajikistan Tajikistan
On Impressions just let inspire you. Maybe afterwards you decide to do it by yourself...;) Of course there are Reports and Images about this journey. We can also provide some Information:
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