bicycle travelling
preparing for 3onTour!

10. September 2013

The bicylce journey across Colombia. After resting days in Buenaventura we straight cycled into the colombian mountains..

From Buenaventura to Dagua and then to Cali. For the first time on the Panamericana in South America to Popayan. Crossing the mountains in the Parque Nacional Natural Volcán Puracé - Coconuco, Paletará to Pitalito.

The quite road to Mocoa brings us to a real demanding cycling tour: the road "El trampolin de la muerte" leads to Pasto - over Sibundoy and El Encano.

The final part is again along the Panamericana heading south via Pedregal to Ipiales. The border town to Ecuador.

Total number of pictures: 58

  • Rainprotected place for our tent within an open air pool area (Valle del Cauca, Colombia, August 2013)

  • Uli at 3.100 meter above sea level - Parque Nacional Natural Volcán Puracé (Huila, Colombia, August 2013)

  • Delicious colombian coffee (Huila, Colombia, August 2013)

  • Leaving the mountains for a few days (Huila, Colombia, August 2013)

  • People of Colombia (Chocó, Colombia, August 2013)

  • People of Colombia (Chocó, Colombia, August 2013)

  • People of Colombia (Chocó, Colombia, August 2013)

  • Modern Buenaventura (Valle del Cauca, Colombia, August 2013)

  • Depressing outskirts of Buenaventura (Valle del Cauca, Colombia, August 2013)

  • On the way to Cali (Valle del Cauca, Colombia, August 2013)

  • Climbing from sea level at Buenaventura to up to 2.000 meter (Valle del Cauca, Colombia, August 2013)

  • Mountains - at last! (Valle del Cauca, Colombia, August 2013)

  • On the way down to Cali (Valle del Cauca, Colombia, August 2013)

  • On the way down to Cali (Valle del Cauca, Colombia, August 2013)

  • Cali (Valle del Cauca, Colombia, August 2013)

  • Cali (Valle del Cauca, Colombia, August 2013)

  • At a rest stop during cycling out of Cali (Valle del Cauca, Colombia, August 2013)

  • Coffee plants (Huila, Colombia, August 2013)

  • Public Bus (Cauca, Colombia, August 2013)

  • Not peaceful current protest movement in whole Colombia (Cauca, Colombia, August 2013)

  • Parque Central in Popayán (Cauca, Colombia, August 2013)

  • Old center of Popayán (Cauca, Colombia, August 2013)

  • Improvised kitchen in our hostel room - Popayán (Cauca, Colombia, August 2013)

  • Our hostel in Popayán (Cauca, Colombia, August 2013)

  • Volcán Puracé in the morning (Cauca, Colombia, August 2013)

  • Bine on the way up to Coconoco (Cauca, Colombia, August 2013)

  • Cyclists from Popayán enjoying a sunny sunday (Cauca, Colombia, August 2013)

  • Geat scenery on the way to Paletará (Cauca, Colombia, August 2013)

  • Climbing up to Paletará (Cauca, Colombia, August 2013)

  • Great mountain scenery on the way to Paletará (Cauca, Colombia, August 2013)

  • First time at about 3.000 meter above sea level since Guatemala (Cauca, Colombia, August 2013)

  • Great scenery - on the way to Paletará (Cauca, Colombia, August 2013)

  • Plateau just after Paletará (Huila, Colombia, August 2013)

  • Great scenery - bad weather (Huila, Colombia, August 2013)

  • Bine cycling in ugly weather through Parque Nacional Natural Volcán Puracé (Huila, Colombia, August 2013)

  • Parque Nacional Natural Volcán Puracé (Huila, Colombia, August 2013)

  • Typical bus (Huila, Colombia, August 2013)

  • Nice little town of Isnos (Huila, Colombia, August 2013)

  • End of long descent from Parque Nacional Natural Volcán Puracé (Huila, Colombia, August 2013)

  • We are allowed to pitch our tent in a house´ garden - near Paletará (Cauca, Colombia, August 2013)

  • Begin of Amazonas area - but we are heading into the mountains (Putumayo, Colombia, September 2013)

  • The mountains to cross - El trampolin de la muerte (Putumayo, Colombia, September 2013)

  • First night - El trampolin de la muerte (Putumayo, Colombia, September 2013)

  • One of the several creek crossings - El trampolin de la muerte (Putumayo, Colombia, September 2013)

  • Great scenery - El trampolin de la muerte (Putumayo, Colombia, September 2013)

  • El trampolin de la muerte (Putumayo, Colombia, September 2013)

  • Not much space - El trampolin de la muerte (Putumayo, Colombia, September 2013)

  • More than 500 persons died on this road - El trampolin de la muerte (Putumayo, Colombia, September 2013)

  • Endless serpentines - El trampolin de la muerte (Putumayo, Colombia, September 2013)

  • Laguna de la Cocha - El trampolin de la muerte (Putumayo, Colombia, September 2013)

  • Bine crossing the last pass on 3.300 meters - El trampolin de la muerte (Putumayo, Colombia, September 2013)

  • Potato soup, trout with fixings and juice for just 2 euros (Narino, Colombia, September 2013)

  • Along the Panam to Ipiales (Narino, Colombia, September 2013)

  • Bine in Pedegral (Narino, Colombia, September 2013)

  • Bus in busy Pedregal (Narino, Colombia, September 2013)

  • One of the hundred leftovers of the violent protests (Narino, Colombia, September 2013)

  • On the Panam to Ipiales (Narino, Colombia, September 2013)

  • Ipiales (Narino, Colombia, September 2013)

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