Market - on the way to Cajabamba (La Libertad, Peru, December 2013)
On the way to Huamachuco (Cajamarca, Peru, December 2013)
Huamachuco (La Libertad, Peru, December 2013)
Mining I (La Libertad, Peru, December 2013)
The mountains after Huamachuco (La Libertad, Peru, December 2013)
Mining II (La Libertad, Peru, December 2013)
4000 meter pass behind Huamachuco (La Libertad, Peru, December 2013)
Mining III (La Libertad, Peru, December 2013)
Going down from the mountains down to the coast (La Libertad, Peru, December 2013)
Just before Trujillo (La Libertad, Peru, December 2013)
Great Ceviche in Huanchaco (La Libertad, Peru, December 2013)
Huanchaco (La Libertad, Peru, December 2013)
Public bus to Trujillo (La Libertad, Peru, December 2013)
Trujillo celebrating Christmas (La Libertad, Peru, December 2013)
Christmas at the coast - Huanchaco (La Libertad, Peru, December 2013)
Christmas days in Huanchaco (La Libertad, Peru, December 2013)
Chan Chan (La Libertad, Peru, December 2013)
The ancient city of Chan Chan near Trujillo (La Libertad, Peru, December 2013)
Cristal beer is OK (La Libertad, Peru, January 2013)
Nasty beasts doing nasty things (Ancash, Peru, January 2013)
The great canyon road from Chuquicara to Caraz (Ancash, Peru, January 2013)
The view out of our tent in the early morning - Laguna Parón (Ancash, Peru, January 2013)
Puya Raimondii - crossing Cordillera Blanca (Ancash, Peru, January 2013)
Still working... (La Libertad, Peru, January 2013)
The first day of cycling after a long break - from Trujillo heading south (La Libertad, Peru, January 2013)
Just about 80 km south of Trujillo we turn left - into the mountains (La Libertad, Peru, January 2013)
Shortcut via private road to Chuquicara (La Libertad, Peru, January 2013)
The great canyon road from Chuquicara to Caraz (Ancash, Peru, January 2013)
The great canyon road from Chuquicara to Caraz (Ancash, Peru, January 2013)
Our first camp on the way up - Laguna Parón (Ancash, Peru, January 2013)
Still climbing on the 2nd day - Laguna Parón (Ancash, Peru, January 2013)
The night up at the lake! - Laguna Parón (Ancash, Peru, January 2013)
Caraz (6.025 m) - Laguna Parón (Ancash, Peru, January 2013)
The lake and Piramide de Garcilaso (5.885 m) in the backdrop - Laguna Parón (Ancash, Peru, January 2013)
Huandoy (6.395 m) - Laguna Parón (Ancash, Peru, January 2013)
On the way to Huaraz (Ancash, Peru, January 2013)
Huascarán (6.768 m) - on the way to Huaraz (Ancash, Peru, January 2013)
Bine heading to the high mountains just after Pachacoto turn-off - crossing Cordillera Blanca (Ancash, Peru, January 2013)
A great morning on the way through Parque Nacional Huascarán - crossing Cordillera Blanca (Ancash, Peru, January 2013)
The rare and famous Puya Raimondii - crossing Cordillera Blanca (Ancash, Peru, January 2013)
Up, up and up... - crossing Cordillera Blanca (Ancash, Peru, January 2013)
Great camping spot in Parque Nacional Huascarán - crossing Cordillera Blanca (Ancash, Peru, January 2013)
Just great - crossing Cordillera Blanca (Ancash, Peru, January 2013)
Bine reaching her highest pass so far, (Abra Huarapasco, 4.810 m) - crossing Cordillera Blanca (Ancash, Peru, January 2013)
Snowing on the way down to the main road to Huallanca - crossing Cordillera Blanca (Ancash, Peru, January 2013)
An ovenight place like many others - Chavinillo (Huánuco, Peru, January 2013)
On the way to Huánuco (Huánuco, Peru, January 2013)
Last downhill from Corona del Inka (4.000 m) to Huánuco (Huánuco, Peru, January 2013)